
and Research

Education and research are vitally important for advancements to be made in the care health professionals can provide to their patients. At McGowan Physio we are striving to provide more education than before as well as taking part in as many research projects as possible. Our team are dedicated to providing the best level of care that we can. We also advocate strongly for the people we work with to get involved in the research as the voice of the patient is the one who should be leading the way with the research that is ongoing.

BSPTS Level 1 course

Led by Garikoitz Aristegui, 21st - 26th May 2024

Course teaching the conservative management of scoliosis through Physio Scoliosis Specific Exercise by world leaders in the area. The first step to becoming a specialist in the conservative method of Scoliosis.

Introduction to Scoliosis Workshop

Led by Niamh McGowan, 30th March 2024

4 hours of education on the basics of scoliosis. What to do if you observe a scoliosis in a patient and how to get them started on managing their curve.

BSPTS Level 2 course

Led by Dr Manuel Rigo, 18th - 23rd September 2023

Course teaching the conservative management of scoliosis through Physio Scoliosis Specific Exercise by world leaders in the area. Loading and advanced exercises. Treatment supervision.

Scoliosis Educational Workshop

Led by Niamh McGowan in Donegal, 22nd April 2023

Education on the basics of scoliosis. What to do if you observe a scoliosis in a patient and how to get them started on managing their curve.

Hypermobility Education Session

Led by Niamh McGowan online, 7th February 2023

For the benefit of patients and parents affected by hEDS and HSD. Education session explaining what HSD and EDS are and what to do if they are suspected.

Meditation as Medicine

Led by Siobhan O'Connell online, 6th December 2022

An introduction to meditation as medicine by the incredible Siobhan O'Connell. This can be used to soothe the nervous system and promote better health outcomes. 

Hypermobility Workshop for Pilates teachers

Led by Niamh McGowan in Live & Breathe Pilates and Reform Pilates, November 2022

Introduction to what hypermobility, HSD and hEDS are. How to identify it and what to do if you suspect it. Exercise and management plans for those affected by hypermobility. The role of the pilates teacher as part of the team. 

Ongoing Research

Garett Van Oirschot

is currently completing his PhD on the best way to educate people with scoliosis about the condition.

Rachel Howe

is continuing her research on the benefit of pet therapy for patient’s post-op scoliosis.

Tony Raffery

continues to work on his study investigating the benefit of exercise for pre and post op scoliosis patients.

For further info on any of the above