Initial Assessment

and Treatment Planning

Before attending with us for your first visit we will send you an intake form.
Please fill this in with as much detail as you can to better assist our initial assessment.
This will ensure you are getting the most from your visit and from your time with us.

The Assessment

When you first attend with us we will complete an initial assessment. This will be completed in one of our two private treatment rooms. You will tell your medical story and your reason for attending McGowan Physio and the goals you hope to achieve by attending with us.

The physiotherapist will ask specific questions based on the information you provide to get a clearer understanding of what is going on. Following this, the physiotherapist will complete a postural analysis, they will watch your movement patterns and carry out specific tests to check your joints and muscles and various systems. Often they will assess your coordination, balance, reflexes and your muscular endurance.

Posture wall to assist analysis

During the years we have been attending Niamh we get a friendly welcome, personal touch and she always puts Emily at ease. Exercises are made adaptable, clear instructions and always encouraging.

Mairead Mooney

Hip joint assessment done by a professional physiotherapist

Goal Setting and Treatment Planning

Once the assessment has been completed the physiotherapist will explain the diagnosis and/or any further testing they believe is required. Together you will set realistic goals. This is what you will be aiming to achieve throughout your treatment programme. The goals can be flexible if you wish for them to change at any stage.

Generally there will be time at the end of the session to start treatment or your exercise programme right away. We will encourage you to take videos of any specific exercises or we will send you your specific exercise programme from our system.