RSC Braces


We work closely with Ciarnaid Hayes from Orthotic Solutions. Orthotic Solutions is paired with Ortholutions in Germany. They make Rigo-System-Cheneau braces. The braces are unique and are made specifically for each individual based on the information gathered from photos, x-rays and Ciarnaid’s measurements. The brace is checked regularly as the individual is growing to ensure any adjustments needed are made.

From the research we know that the best conservative approach is to use the brace along with completion of Physiotherapeutic Scoliosis Specific Exercise (PSSE - Schroth method).

RSC brace for scoliosis and brace education book

RSC Brace Scolio Intensive Seminar

Niamh and Garett have both attended for training with Ortholutions in Germany. The RSC brace intensive seminar is taught by Dr. Manuel Rigo MD PhD. Dr. Rigo has created the Rigo-Cheneau brace based on previous bracing concepts along with modern methods and research.

The course is aimed at treatment teams. Niamh has completed the course twice and initially attended with Ciarnaid Hayes, Orthotist from Orthotic Solutions. The McGowan Physio team liaise with Ciarnaid frequently to ensure that the patients are getting the best possible care.

The RSC brace is a corrective device. RSC stands for Rigo System Cheneau. It is a derotation brace; specifically, a brace that is a mono-valve, ventral open, rigid, thermo-plastic 3D action brace. It is mainly used to treat adolescent idiopathic scoliosis but can be used for other types of scoliosis as well.

Scoliosis conservative treatment team

Ortholutions and Orthotic Solutions

The Ortholutions team is always extremely helpful to any queries we may have. Having the training is essential to ensure that the most is gained from each brace. When a patient attends with Ciarnaid Hayes for fitting she takes all measurements and sends these along with clinical photos and x-rays to the team in Germany. This information is all uploaded to the database. Dr. Rigo checks each case and will give his input into the type of brace the patient needs. The brace is then made in Germany and sent back to Ciarnaid in Dublin for alterations to be made. Often, with the parents’ permission, Ciarnaid will share the information on the database with us at McGowan Physio. This helps provide guidance on the exact type of schroth exercise to give to best complement the specific brace.

         On the course we learn many things including:

  • The conservative management of scoliosis
  • The biomechanics of scoliosis
  • The biomechanics of the RSC Brace
  • The Rig0 Classification
  • Who are the best candidates for the RSC Brace
  • How are the braces are fitted to each individual
  • How Physiotherapy and the bracing work well together
  • The importance of self-correction and physio specific exercise