We have taken this month to reflect on the year; to consider what has gone well, what we can improve and what else we want to achieve. It feels like this journey is very much just beginning. We are so grateful to every single person who has graced our doors and has shown us support by choosing to have their physiotherapy treatment with us.
Adventure,Here We Come
Laughter has filled the clinic every day since it opened. I am often told that you can hear laughter coming down the stairs and out the windows at the clinic. That is so important to me. The management of many conditions that people attend for can be very tedious and all consuming so it makes me happy if we offload some of that burden with a bit of fun along the way.
The journey to get to one year of McGowan Physio has not always been straightforward. I am trained in physiotherapy and a number of specialist areas but business skills have had to be figured out along the way. It has not been a solo journey. I have been so well supported by my friends, family, colleagues and my partner.
Story Behindthe Curtains
The real planning for McGowan Physio Clinic was started a couple of months before the doors opened. The months of August and September were crazy. My partner, Luana, helped out more in the set-up and in the first year of McGowan Physio than anyone will ever know. She has done so much work behind the scenes to keep the clinic functioning so well. In the run up to the first day at McGowan Physio I would meet Luana after work and we would get to work at the new space. Luana laid floors as I put furniture together. She hung frames as I mounted shelves. We shopped til we dropped getting all of the finishing touches and we laughed and cried a lot watching the dream unfold. We even managed to carry the reformer 3 flights of stairs from Reform in Blackrock and drive it in my car across to Nutgrove. It’s amazing the things you can do with a bit of hard work and determination and a wonderful support system.
Closer to October we reached out to more recruits and my incredible parents came down to help with various odd jobs. My parents have been a never ending pillar of support. My family and friends have been there every step of the way. In particular my sister, Emer, my brothers, Martin and Jack and three of my friends Ciara, Louise and Alex. Without their wisdom and encouragement the clinic would not have been possible.
Niamh O’Flaherty, as you all know from the reception desk, has also been there every step of the way providing both practical support and great friendship. We have been lucky also to grow our team as the year has gone along. We have gained the exceptionally talented physio, Garett Van Oirschot as well as the wonderful Pilates teacher, Dani Creão Salgado.
I had great legal help from Peter Tunney of Kevin Tunney Solicitors. Louise O’Farrell and her dad Philip O’Farrell went over and beyond to give advice and mentoring with finances and accounts. Stephen O’Flaherty, helped at the last minute to ensure everything didn’t go belly up with a dash across the city to get a document to the solicitors on time.
We are also extremely grateful to the doctors and healthcare professionals who choose to refer to us. We hope to continue to strengthen our bonds and continue to improve the healthcare of the people who attend with us together.
I’ll Never ForgetYour Support and Kindness
This is a list of top quality businesses and people who I can’t thank enough. Make sure to reach out to them if you ever need their services:
Accountants - P T O’Farrell and Co. Chartered Accountants
Cleaning Services - Kelly Back
Facebook Group - Scoliosis Awareness and Support Ireland
Flooring - Paeder Hurson
Graphic Design and Digital Marketing - Luana Pazinato