McGowan Physio New Website


Great news! We have launched our brand new website. We are delighted to have it up and running at last and I am happy to take a step back from all of the typing and to enjoy more time moving around in the clinic again. I certainly got a great insight into why so many desk workers have back and neck pain!!


Educational Content

The website has a lot of educational content and we really hope that you find it informative. As well as being a source of information we hope you also find the website to be entertaining. There are a number of great photos and videos up there that feature many of the incredible people who attend with us at McGowan Physio. Make sure to have a look at the clients page to see if you recognise any of our stars!

Team Blog

Super Team

On the homepage you will be introduced to our super team. There is also a dedicated section to find out more about each team member. You will learn more about the goals and ambitions of the clinic and what we hope to achieve with McGowan Physio. If you are already attending with us at McGowan Physio you may be surprised to meet some new team members there as we have expanded some of our services.

Exploting Time

There are different sections that you can explore. In them you can find out more about the practice and the practicalities of getting to us and booking in to see us. You will learn about the speciality services we offer as well as the routine physio we can provide. There is also a section outlining the different class options as well as a frequently asked questions section which our clients report to be very helpful. A lot of these questions were provided to us by one incredible young woman who came into a session with 27 questions! We are happy to answer them all and if we don’t have the answers we will do our best to find them out.

Blogs & Much More

We have also introduced a blog to the website... Yes, the one you are reading right now! We hope to keep the information presented here current and evidence based. We will also use it to update you on what is new and happening at McGowan Physio.

You can use the website to book an appointment with any member of the McGowan Physio team or to contact us. Should you have any queries or suggestions we would love to hear from you. Please do not hesitate to get in touch. Remember the number to beat is 27!