Conor’s Bio – Get to know our work experience student


Conor Norton’s Bio

Hello, my name is Conor Norton and this week I’ll be doing my work experience placement in McGowan Physio. I’m 16 years old and I’m from Kildare. I have 2 brothers, Mark and Emmet. I am the eldest in my family.

I was introduced to Niamh through my brother who has EDS and POTS. He needed a specialized physio who understood his condition and Niamh was perfect for him. My dad asked Niamh to help me with strength and conditioning to help with some physical issues I have.

I found that she’s so good at explaining what I need to do and she really helps me to understand why I need to maintain my physiotherapy. She has helped my brother and me so much and we’re both really grateful to her.

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Since I was 6 years old I’ve loved to watch football, so naturally I started to play when there was an available age group. I have now been playing football for 9 years and have never thought of quitting. I played for Dublin team, Leicester Celtic, for a brief time, otherwise I have played for my local team, Caragh Celtic, with some of my best friends since I started playing football. Over the years I have made loads of friends over our shared interest of football. Football is very beneficial for younger people as it teaches sportsmanship, teamwork, dedication and most of all how to win and lose graciously. I have found it is also a great release from any stress or troubles as when you play all your concentration goes into the game. I also played Gaelic Football since I was 8 years old but decided to take a break from it this year as I wasn’t enjoying it like I used to.

Why I want to do work experience at McGowan Physio

I’ve wanted to do work experience with McGowan Physio since I started physio with Niamh for a number of reasons. I have wanted to become a physio since the first time I broke a bone because when I went to see the physio for recovery I saw how much it helped me to recover quickly and get back to playing safely. I decided to request work experience with a physiotherapist so I could get a real sense of what the job entails. Also, the staff at McGowan physio are always so lovely to me and my brother whenever we go in for an appointment and it feels like a great environment to get a taste of what being a physio is like.

I’m really looking forward to my work experience at McGowan Physio. I was thrilled to be accepted and I’m really grateful to Niamh and the team for including me.